Be in your body: The simple practice that can change your life
Our emotions, thoughts, and minds can travel to the past and the future. However, our body is always in a Present Moment. So, one easy way to return to the "here and now" is to use your breath as an anchor and allow yourself to arrive in your body entirely.
Please take a moment to slow down and notice what it feels like to breathe and be grounded in your body.
When we stay grounded and aware of the energetic flow in our body, we feel more present, more alive, have more energy, and feel more connected with our hearts and the life happening right here in front of us. From there, we have more space to respond to whatever happens inside and outside of us instead of reacting with defenses and unwise ways.
However, we often check out, leave our body, and stay in our head and mind to control or plan because we want to make sure whatever makes us feel the pleasures and comforts right now stay the same. The truth goes with whatever makes us feel uncomfortable and overwhelming; we don't want to feel it; we push it away or numb ourselves. Leaving the body - your own house, for a day, weeks, or longer is anxiety, fatigue, depression, and confusion, which sometimes leads to addictions: drugs, drinking, and sexuality.
The journey for each of us to arrive back to our own precious body, our temple, starts with an intention - to reconnect with our being, listen to our intelligent body, the wisdom of our heart, and the life is here. Following that, It is an energy of gentleness, acceptance, and forgiveness because it wouldn't be hard; you would not check out, leave your body, and stay ungrounded. And forgive yourself for leaving yourself for so long.
Also, being in your body allows you to trust the energy that flows through your body, trust that whatever is unfolding for you, and trust your presence, your power.
The tools to reconnect with your body, yourself, and the present moment are your breaths, some stretching, a walk, dancing, or body scanning exercises.
2. Reflection:
What is standing between you and relaxing back to the present?