Breaking the Chains of Shame: Navigating Inner Child Healing and Release
Kylie Dang Kylie Dang

Breaking the Chains of Shame: Navigating Inner Child Healing and Release

Shame is a complex and often debilitating emotion that can leave us feeling disconnected and alone. It is a powerful and painful feeling that can be rooted in past experiences and can manifest as self-doubt, low self-esteem, and feelings of inadequacy. This writing will explore the nature of shame, its origins, and how it can be released. We will also examine how shame can be particularly pronounced in inner child healing and how it can be addressed to facilitate healing and growth. Through understanding shame, its origins, and how to release it, we can take steps toward healing and living a more fulfilling life.

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Heal your perfectionist wound, be kind and heal your abandonment wound
Kylie Dang Kylie Dang

Heal your perfectionist wound, be kind and heal your abandonment wound

Don't wait until you figure out everything

Don't wait for the perfect moment.

Don't wait until you are perfect according to your self-idea image.

The more you are in resistance, the more time and energy you spend.

Most often, what is underneath the resistance is fear. So, you might want to ask yourself: What am I fearful about? What if I take one action to move forward with what I want in life?

What support do you need to take action?

Also, remember: let your action come from love, passion, curiosity, joy, and resources, not from the mentality of "lack and fear." People can feel your vibes

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Get a Head Start on Your Healing Journey with This Energy Forecast
Kylie Dang Kylie Dang

Get a Head Start on Your Healing Journey with This Energy Forecast

When you heal and have more self-awareness, you start seeing things you haven't seen before. Do you allow yourself to speak up and share your evolving truth? Or you are holding yourself back because you don't know how people respond to that. Then you end up betraying yourself. Please remember that your needs and feelings can not be seen or met by avoiding communication.

Share your truth with self-awareness and loving speech, and also let go of the need to be correct or to be loved and approved

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Latest energy forecast for the next 7 days
Kylie Dang Kylie Dang

Latest energy forecast for the next 7 days

Energy Forecast✨️

This week you might notice a lot of emotions get stirred up. You might go through huge emotional processing; however, remember as you allow yourself to go through that and work on that, you will free yourself and have more of yourself.

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Be in your body: The simple practice that can change your life
Kylie Dang Kylie Dang

Be in your body: The simple practice that can change your life

The journey for each of us to arrive back to our own precious body, our temple, starts with an intention - to reconnect with our being, listen to our intelligent body, the wisdom of our heart, and the life is here. Following that, It is an energy of gentleness, acceptance, and forgiveness because it wouldn't be hard; you would not check out, leave your body, and stay ungrounded. And forgive yourself for leaving yourself for so long.

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Weekly Energy Forecast: What to Expect in the Coming Week August 29th-September 4th
Kylie Dang Kylie Dang

Weekly Energy Forecast: What to Expect in the Coming Week August 29th-September 4th

The final energy flow for this coming week is: Freedom of Expressing Yourself: are you permitting yourself to take up space? To be heard? To be seen? To be in your body? Are you fully aware of your energetic body? Do you allow yourself to express yourself fully, in all ways? Take time to feel and notice what you need to say and what you need to do. Allow yourself to notice patterns of shyness, shrinking, or dimming your light, and challenge yourself to take up space.

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It’s never too late to have a happy childhood.
Kylie Dang Kylie Dang

It’s never too late to have a happy childhood.

My Inner Child Healing Journey. All of the triggers and pain I encountered in my life pointed back to one source - my inner child. I knew I needed to heal this part of myself if I ever wanted to feel truly happy and whole.

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Discover the 5 benefits of inner child healing!
Kylie Dang Kylie Dang

Discover the 5 benefits of inner child healing!

Inner child healing can provide several benefits for individuals. It can help them to connect with their authentic selves, improve their relationships, and find greater happiness and fulfillment in life.

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Inner Child Healing: Dealing with Shame and Guilt
Kylie Dang Kylie Dang

Inner Child Healing: Dealing with Shame and Guilt

Shame and guilt can be some of the most debilitating emotions we experience. They can cause us to feel unworthy, undeserving, and unlovable. We may even believe that we are bad or evil. Thankfully, there is a way to heal these painful feelings.

Through inner child healing work, we can begin to understand the root cause of our shame and guilt. We can learn to forgive ourselves and release the past. This work can be challenging, but it is so worth it. When we heal our inner child, we open the door to true happiness and peace.

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What is the wounded Inner Child?
Kylie Dang Kylie Dang

What is the wounded Inner Child?

There exists a young consciousness within you. Growing up and experiencing life, you may have been hurt and wounded as a child. These incidents can make you feel controlled, betrayed, ashamed, and belittled by your guardians, peers, or society and culture…. but you don’t have to live carrying those feelings forever!

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The Inner Child Healing Deck got accepted by Kickstarter!!!
Kylie Dang Kylie Dang

The Inner Child Healing Deck got accepted by Kickstarter!!!

OMG, What a journey!!!! What a creative process. Almost a year!

11:30 PM Last Thursday evening, I submitted my Inner Child Healing Oracle Deck to the Kickstarter Platform for approval. The whole night I was not able to sleep. I felt a lot of feelings at once: excited, happy, satisfied, fulfilled, and nervous. I didn't tell my husband or anyone on my team.

I got the confirmation email from Kickstarter and they said I will hear back from them on March 1st.

Waiting in silence.

Last night, Feb 27, Kickstarter sent me an email and shared that my project got approved and accepted!!

I want to take a moment to celebrate myself and my entire team, we have dedicated so much go all the way to bringing this project to life.

Now, I am sincerely asking for your support, follow our project, share with your communities, or share with your friends to get notified of the official launching day!!!!

We can not bring this project to life without your support!!!!

P.S: Kickstarter is one of the largest crowdfunding sites for creative people. Kickstarter exists to help bring creative projects to life. A home for film, music, art, theater, games, comics, design, photography, and more

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My creative process…
Kylie Dang Kylie Dang

My creative process…

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.

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