What is the wounded Inner Child?

The Wounded Inner Child is the young consciousness within you. Growing up and experiencing life, you may have been hurt and wounded as a child. These instances can make you feel controlled, betrayed, ashamed, and belittled by your guardians, peers, or society and culture. Hurtful experiences can leave you feeling completely powerless. Being so young at the time and not knowing what to do or how to handle the situation, you began to protect yourself. Your subconscious formed limiting beliefs and patterns to protect you from being hurt again; however, your young consciousness can remain stuck within these traumatic experiences.

The Wounded Inner Child is often the part of us that feels the most vulnerable. It is the part of us that feels we are not good enough, that we are not worthy of love or belonging. It is the part of us that feels ashamed, embarrassed, and humiliated. It is the part of us that feels scared, anxious, and alone.

Sometimes, the Wounded Inner Child can be hard to access because we have spent so much of our lives protecting ourselves from further hurt. We may have built up walls around our hearts and closed ourselves off from others. We may have developed coping mechanisms that help us numb the pain or distract us from the hurt. But when we are ready to heal, the Wounded Inner Child is always there, waiting to be healed.

The Wounded Inner Child is a powerful part of us that can hold us back from living our best lives. But it is also a part of us that is full of love, compassion, and forgiveness. When we are able to heal the wounds of our past, we can open ourselves up to more love, joy, and happiness in the present.


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