It’s never too late to have a happy childhood.

My journey to my inner child healing

More than ten years ago, after my divorce, I moved to the US to get my MBA in Business Management. At that time, I had heard people telling me that the US is like heaven on earth. So, I thought, let me move to paradise. I would be happy there. The intention behind it was to run away from myself and my reality.

When I came to the US, I could find a part-time job and go to school simultaneously, but all the problems I faced back in Vietnam returned to me in a different form, in a US version. The fundamental issues remained the same; I was still struggling with fear, anger, loneliness, emptiness, people pleaser, and the limited belief: that there must tell me something wrong with me.

When I saw all that, I realized that it was not about how far I traveled outside; I needed to make a U-turn. I decided to slow down, to do something different from what I used to do.  

At that time, I came across the book from Thich Nhat Hanh – Zen Master – “Reconciliation – Heal your inner child.” The difference this time in me was that I read the book and took time to sit down and do whatever healing practice he suggested to jeel me and find myself again.

And that was the beginning of my healing Inner Child Healing journey.

During that process, I realized that: All of the triggers and pain I encountered in my life pointed back to my wounded inner child – the young consciousness - not feeling safe, seen, heard, or loved. My healing came from acknowledging this child and her needs… and loving her where she was.

Feel your fear and do it anyway:

I have a story to share:

I remember one of the questions my healing teacher often asked us: "if you were to die tomorrow, what would you like to create today?"

That question has helped me have the courage to follow my soul longing: Creating an Inner Child Healing Oracle Deck.

Back in Feb 2021, I was undecided. I was not sure if I should go ahead and invest all my savings in creating the inner child healing deck. I was sitting with that question. Fears and self-doubt came up.

One such evening, I went for a walk in my community center in Campbell, CA. As I was walking, my teacher's question came to my mind.

At that time, I asked myself: "if I died tomorrow, what would be my last message to the world, to the human beings?"

The answer came straight from my heart: "I want to tell people that it's never too late to have a happy childhood. No matter how wounded you are, it's never too late to heal and to begin afresh."

Then I asked myself: "Why do I have to wait until I die to share that message? Let's do it now."

I was walking alone that evening, tears kept coming to my eyes; my whole body was in high vibration, and my heart sang the song of my soul when I got that insight.

That moment:

I chose to follow my heart.

I decided to follow my soul's calling.

I decided to create the Inner Child Healing Oracle Deck.

The creative process has been ongoing since Feb 2021, and we are so happy to start sharing it with you. The deck is ready for pre-order now, and it will be delivered to you in November.

The inner child healing deck is a self-guided journey with a 56-card deck and a guidebook that will help you understand the meaning of the cards. More importantly, it will help you feel understood, loved, seen, and have a sense of belonging.

It is a journey to help you and your inner child grow up and have a powerful transition from being a little child to being a Mother/ Father in your own life story.

With love & trust,



Love is always present, but we often move too fast to notice


Distorted Connection vs Heartfelt Connection in Relationships: